Figure 1: Installing Panel on Mini/Portable Cribs
Properly position Panel along INSIDE of crib with big hole mesh facing inside crib
1. Panel covers slats at BACK, SIDES, and FRONT of crib as shown above.
2. Make sure ties face UPWARDS and are OUTSIDE the crib.

Figure 2: Wrapping Inside Posts
Refer to Figure 1 and 2
1. Take one end of liner and wrap BEHIND the crib slat (a),
2. Then in FRONT of the back corner post (I) and BEHIND crib slat (b).
3. Repeat for all corner posts.

Figure 3: Securing Ends of Panel
1. Secure hook and loop fasteners on both ends of panel to each other on the inside of crib
2. To prevent sagging, pull liner tight at both ends for a snug fit